Thomas Benoot
Thomas Benoot started his academic career in 2014 at the “Hogeschool Gent (HoGent), following the study biomedical laboratory technology. During his second year, he first encountered immunology and cancer biology. These scientific fields quickly became a passion and made him dream of being part of a cancer research group one day. During his final bacherlors’ year, he decided to push his limits and go on a 4-month internship abroad at the Departamento de Ciêncas da Vida (Department of Life Sceinces) in Coimbra, Portugal. This experience urged him to obtain a Masters’s degree in Science, in which he was able to choose and study several cancer-related courses to broaden his theoretical knowledge about cancer biology. Having obtained this theoretical knowledge, he was able to join the LMCT group as a master thesis student under the supervision of Profs K. Breckpot and K. Thielemans. By successfully completing his thesis at the LMCT, he was accepted as a scientific assistant on the Persomed project. After working 1,5 years on the Persomed project he received his PhD project (‘Putting lung cancer on the RADar’), where he focuses on generating a new therapy for lung cancer, under the supervision of Prof C. Goyvaerts.
Thomas is an enthusiastic scientist, who is eager to learn new things and keen on successfully completing his PhD. He also hopes to gain as much information as possible, during his PhD, to report to the scientific community.